This IUCRC planning project will establish the feasibility of a multi-site Center for High-Assurance Secure Systems and Internet-of-Things (CHASSI) that will focus on areas where both security and high assurance are necessary to support operations of high mission criticality, due to safety or economic impact. Examples include medical devices, manufacturing, the energy grid, real-time financial markets, construction, and defense. Combining security and high-assurance is hard, however, intentionally combining them will lead to new models, techniques, designs, architectures, and systems that will be applicable across of range of important U.S. industries.

CHASSI has five sites: University of Kansas (KU), University of Minnesota, Syracuse University, Case Western Reserve University, and Indiana University. CHASSI research falls into four main thrusts: (1) Architectures, design and formal modeling for systems-level security, privacy, stability, and performance; (2) Secure communication, sensing, and devices; (3) Scalable trust and privacy; and (4) Human behavior for privacy and security. KU brings expertise in attestation, networking, cyber-physical systems, plus hardware, software, database, and mobile security. Complementary expertise at other sites includes mission assurance and systems security, assurance of medical devices, industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT), manufacturing and energy applications, and human factors.

CHASSI faculty members will gain an understanding of the specific interests and actual needs/barriers of industrial companies. Likewise, companies will benefit from exposure to: cutting-edge university research across all sites; networking with and learning best practices from other industry colleagues in and out of their sector; students who may be potential hires; and faculty that might perform center projects or proprietary research. During the planning period, KU will explore ways to advance diversity and outreach with IHAWKe (Indigeneous, Hispanic, African-American, Women KU Engineering) and Women in Computing through recruiting prospective students, educating current students, and identifying student researchers.

The collaborators from this multi-university-industry Center will host a single Center-wide repository at: This shared repository will include meeting materials, program information, publications, etc., and will be made available for a minimum of 5 years after conclusion of the award or until the Center transitions to the next phase.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Behrooz Shirazi
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
University of Kansas
United States
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