The Carnegie Mellon University Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Robotics Institute Site will advance knowledge by training students in the key technological areas of robotics and preparing them for graduate study and technical leadership. The sciences that make up the discipline of robotics provide a unique opportunity to immerse students in research with real-world applications. Robotics-related technologies are becoming ubiquitous and they are dominating national headlines and discussions on such innovations as driverless cars, big data and data mining, and medical robotics. Research topics include areas such as, intelligent transportation aerial robots, mobile robots, multi-robot systems, assistive robotics and as multi-sensor fusion and data mining. Students will be involved in an immersive learning environment with mentors meeting weekly with REU participants to facilitate their research experience and positive learning outcomes. Research results will be shared via the web and through a public poster session, research presentations, and the web publication of a peer-reviewed working papers journal.
This site provides high-quality guided research experiences coupled with robust professional development for undergraduate students with leading faculty in computer vision, field and space robotics, artificial intelligence, manipulation, and machine learning. Additional mentors, including researchers and graduate students, will provide unique perspectives and insights into science and engineering education careers. The strategic goal of this site is to provide research experiences and mentorship to U.S. citizens and permanent residents from under-represented groups and those from higher education institutions with fewer research opportunities. The leadership team and participating faculty share this commitment and bring expertise in mentoring students from diverse backgrounds to communicate their research results to coming generations of students, middle school and high school teachers, and the general public.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.