The University of Nevada System currently provides connectivity among its major campuses, the University of Nevada-Reno (UNR), University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV), and the Desert Research Institute (DRI), using the Nevada State Microwave System (NSMS). Connectivity to NSFNET and the rest of the Internet would be provided by an NSF supported link from the UNLV campus to the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) which is one of thirteen major nodes on the NSFNET Backbone Network. The current microwave system used by NSMS would need a modest enhancement of gateway hardware to link all three state campuses to the Internet link at UNLV. The network would employ moderate speed links (56,000 bits per second) both within the state and on its link to the rest of the Internet at the SDSC node of NSFNET. Significant cost-sharing is provided by using the Nevada State Microwave System for telecommunications and by using technical and user services provided by the University of Nevada System.