MU-SPIN, The Minority University-Space Interdisciplinary Network is a program for HBCU's and MU's, as well as colleges with a significant minority enrollment, which is oriented around wide area networking technology and its use for supporting multi- disciplinary research. Sponsorship is by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Data and Computing Division, the University Programs Office, the Equal Opportunity Office, and NASA Headquarters. This project is to support the September 25-27. 1991 meeting of the MU-SPIN Users Working Group at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The meeting is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on networking to support interdisciplinary research. Funding will support the cost of participant travel, meals, and meeting arrangements. The project is directly related to the interests of the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate in that CISE is actively supporting programs to enhance the opportunities of underrepresented populations in the computer field. Access to adequate facilities, and the interchange made available by network connections is an important aspect of this effort, and the program of the workshop should enhance the opportunities of the participants.