9531730 Murphy, Robin Martinez, Julian Colorado School of Mines Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Multiple Autonomous Mobile Robots For Search And Rescue Applications This Research Experiences for Undergraduates project will support ten students per year in programs carried out both during the Summers and the academic years, for two years. Activities will include technical (e.g., hands-on laboratory skills), intellectual (e.g., problem-solving skills), and on professional and personal development (e.g., communication and management skills). The project targets both CSM resident students and students from traditionally minority institutions. In the first year and a half, the students will use two identical mobile robots certified for search and rescue activities in underground mines and will demonstrate and test their results in the CSM Edgar Experimental mine. During the second year, the participants will transfer their software to small robots suitable for SAR work in collapsed buildings. The use of two sets of robots and two variations of the same task will reinforce the development of general purpose solutions and basic software engineering skills. Analysis and design procedures will be emphasized at each step of the project and the project also entails significant written and oral presentations during the year. ***