Delaware State University (DSU) will host a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site in Molecular Genetics & Genomics beginning summer 2007. Students will work with research mentors from DSU, Delaware Technical & Community College (DTCC) and Wesley College in a 9-week multidisciplinary summer research program. Students will be provided stipends, meals, housing, and funds for travel to and from the lab. Using an established network of faculty from DSU, DTCC, Wesley College and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI), ten students will be trained each summer in state-of-the-art techniques in molecular biology and genomics. Activities will include workshops in lab techniques and bioinformatics, ethics, and communications skills. Interaction with various levels of researchers in academia, government, and industry will be fostered. Students will get the opportunity to work on specific research problems by interaction with the research mentors, while developing capabilities to work both individually and as part of a team with fellow students. The REU program will conclude with a Student Research Symposium where REU students will present posters, and showcase their summer research to other students, faculty, family, friends, high school students and teachers. Interested students are invited to visit to apply to the REU program, or contact the Project Director, Dr. Venu (Kal) Kalavacharla at 302-857-6492 or Alternatively, please contact Ms. Alexandra Ulrich, Recruiter, Dept. of AGNR, at (302) 857-6410 or