A grant has been awarded to the University of Hawai?i at Mânoa (UHM) to acquire a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) to support research and training in the biological and materials sciences. The instrument of choice is a Hitachi S-4800-I which will be housed in the Biological Electron Microscope Facility (BEMF) on the UHM campus. The new FESEM will be used by researchers to obtain images to study sensory structures of invertebrates and fishes, to examine changes in morphology due to genetic mutations or manipulations in various animal models, and in taxonomic studies of microorganisms, invertebrates, vertebrates and plants, often involving Hawaii?s unique biota or introduced pests. The FESEM will also be used by materials scientists and engineers to examine surfaces of nanotechnology devices such as biosensors, fuel cell membranes, batteries, photovoltaics and various nanocomposites.
In addition, the FESEM will support a wide range of educational and outreach activities including demonstrations for K-12 science classes, as part of laboratory sessions for undergraduate and graduate university courses in biology and engineering, in specialized workshops for community college faculty and students and for minority biomedical trainees, and by undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral associates conducting research with UHM faculty. Use of the FESEM by researchers from local biotechnology, nanotechnology and educational entities will contribute to economic expansion and diversification, university-private partnerships and training opportunities for university students in the private sector. One of the high-profile users is Dr. Dennis Kunkel (www.denniskunkel.com), a world renowned educator and creator of scientific books, calendars, museum exhibits and posters.