The Clarkson UBM project combines rigorous classroom instruction and integrative summer research to create a long-term culture of interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematics and biology and will support development of an interdisciplinary Minor in Mathematical Biosciences. Undergraduate student pairs, one each from biology and mathematics, will work together with faculty pairs from multiple disciplines that have complementary expertise at the math-biology interface. At least three to five integrated research teams will work together during a 10-week summer program. Students also will receive specialized instruction in mathematical biosciences using seminars, discussions, independent projects, and active-learning lectures.
In addition to its benefits for the 15-20 UBM research students, this project will increase curricular offerings and foster a collaborative interdepartmental culture that will provide opportunities and stimulation for both students and faculty to become more involved in the interdisciplinary research and study in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Summer research activities will be integrated with other summer programs at Clarkson, such as McNair, Honors, and NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates, to broaden the influence of students and mentors in this program. Research projects will push the boundaries of science, be broadly disseminated, and generate new ways of thinking about diverse problems through interdisciplinary interactions.