An award is made to the University of South Carolina in support of The Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center (PGSC), which has supplied pedigreed, disease-free animals to the national and international research community since 1985. Peromyscus (deer mice) are the most widely distributed mammals in North America and are used in a wide variety of studies PGSC animals are provided to researchers at educational, industrial, and governmental institutions. The PGSC also has a goal of improving Peromyscus as a research model. Efforts include development of a genetic map with ~400 genetic markers placed on all Peromyscus chromosomes, whole genome DNA sequence of four species (near completion) and improved reproductive technology. These resources enable efforts to identify the genetic basis of important characteristics such as habitat adaptation, mating behavior (e.g. monogamy), genetic changes upon exposure to environmental toxins and aggression, as well as other traits.
The PGSC supports undergraduate and graduate research and training at the University of South Carolina and other institutions. Research using these resources has been important in discovering genetic basis of altitude adaptation, determining behavioral effect on offspring of parents exposed to environmental toxins, found that repetitive movement disorder is mimicked in Peromyscus, and discovered genes controlling growth and development. This project continues to have broad significance in supporting the research endeavors of many scientists.
The small rodent, Peromyscus, is the most numerous and species diverse mammal in North America. They occur in numerous ecological areas, have naturally occuring genotypes and have adapted to various environments. The genus includes monogamous and polygamous species and species capable of interbreeding. The interbreeding species have been a rich source of genetic variation to be exploited to understand the genetic basis of behavior. adaptation, coat color, growth characteristics, and others. The species also serve as reservoirs for several pathogens causing human disease, including Lyme disease and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Support for the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center (PGSC) has facilitated many studies across Universities, Colleges and Institutions across the United States as well as internationally. The PGSC has existed since 1985 and has supplied thousands of animals and speciments to facilitate basic research. The PGSC was the primary institution to secure support for whole genome sequencing of 4 species from NHGRI. Using animals from the PGSC, important findings in genetic basis of adaptation, behavior, behavioral physiology, behavioral neuroscience, ageing, growth and development, infectious disease, and immunology have been published. No other resource exists for obtaining such pedigreed and disease-free animals of this genus. It is a valuable resource for Biological research in the United States.