This NSF IDBR award is made to Prof. Katsushi Arisaka and collaborators at the University of California, Los Angeles, to develop a Bessel beam line confocal microscope. The goal of this project is to develop a system enabling the recording of three-dimensional cell structure in vivo, in real-time, with exceptional penetrating depth, and with minimal damage to the targeted sample. The proposed system will advance scientific understanding by facilitating cellular observation and systems level biologic analysis. Significantly, this system will enable the unprecedented high-speed recording of cell dynamics at super-resolution, in a temporal range permitting observation of developmental phenomena.
The broader impact is a cost-effective, easily configurable and user-friendly 3D imaging system for use by scientists towards the in vivo structural characterization of dynamic biological samples over a timespan of days. This collaboration will generate an available and reproducible microscope that significantly advances obtainable information concerning embryo development, dynamic neural network function, cellular differentiation and regulation, while enabling high-volume 3D cell imaging. This project directly integrates educational and research goals through incorporation of microscope development into a novel, interdisciplinary laboratory course developed by Dr. Arisaka at UCLA. Thus, development and construction of the system will serve as an educational platform directly fostering student learning. Moreover, the system will be housed in the Advanced Light Microscope Facility at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), resulting in widespread availability to the extended scientific community.
This award is being made jointly by two Programs- (1) Instrument Development for Biological Research, in the Division of Biological Infrastructure (Biological Sciences Directorate), and (2) Biomedical Engineering, in the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (Engineering Directorate).