This REU Site award to Marquette University, located in Milwaukee, WI, will support the training of 10 students for 10 weeks during the summers of 2017- 2019. Students will choose from a variety of research projects working with faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences. Projects will address biological questions in a range of diverse model systems using cellular, molecular, genetic, and structural techniques. Students will learn to read the scientific literature and develop communication skills through weekly journal clubs, laboratory group meetings, and research discussions. Students will also participate in workshops on responsible research conduct, career opportunities, and the graduate school application process. Students will present their findings at both a poster session and research symposium. Networking activities will be interwoven throughout the program to promote a sense of community among faculty, and the REU participants. Students are selected based on their interest in research, academic record, and phone interviews with potential faculty mentors. Members of underrepresented minority groups and students from colleges with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
It is anticipated that a total of 30 students primarily from schools with limited research opportunities, will be trained in the program. Together, the research and associated activities of this program are expected to increase retention of participating students in STEM disciplines and increase diversity of the nation's scientific workforce. More immediately, the results of the research will be shared with the Marquette community, the students' home institutions and the broader scientific community. Students will learn how research is conducted, and many will present the results of their work at scientific conferences.
A common web-based assessment tool (SALG URSSA) used by all REU Site programs funded by the Division of Biological Infrastructure will be used to determine the effectiveness of the training program. Students will be tracked after the program in order to determine their career paths. Students will be asked to respond to an automatic email sent via the NSF reporting system. More information about the program is available by visiting or by contacting the PI (Dr. Allison Abbott at or the co-PI (Dr. Edward Blumenthal at