CyVerse is a national computational resource that provides cyberinfrastructure to enable basic and applied research across the life sciences, and to train scientists in its use. The strong shift towards open innovation and open science necessitates a new level of interdisciplinary collaboration among geographically distributed teams of researchers. These collaborations require a higher level of scientific, technical, and computational rigor to ensure reproducibility and productivity as teams bring their customized analysis pipelines, toolkits, and best practices for wider use and dissemination. The expertise of the groups involved in the proposed work uniquely positions this project to meet these future needs and to continue providing best-in-class services to a diversity of life science researchers. CyVerse provides and supports a vertically integrated set of flexible and highly usable software-based services tailored to meeting the distinctive needs of life science researchers at all career stages, technological proficiencies, and computing services demand. CyVerse provides a cyberinfrastructure for the life sciences that acts as a "gateway" through which a broad diversity of researchers and educators can access remote and powerful computing resources through an interface that hides the complexity of cyberinfrastructure and presents a suite of familiar tools and data sources. Resources like CyVerse have transformed the way scientists work with data, accelerated the pace of discovery, and have democratized participation in leading edge research.
The objectives of this project are to sustain the core activities of CyVerse to continue providing service to existing users and to accommodate new users of this infrastructure. To meet these needs CyVerse will continue to provide reliable cyberinfrastructure through access to scalable computational and data management resources, ensuring that those resources are robust, secure, and dependable. CyVerse will also continue to enable science by providing support to science and research communities through targeted scientific collaborations and partnerships. Finally, Cyverse will continue to provide user training in the effective use of CyVerse for research. CyVerse's training and education activities have benefited scientists at all levels of expertise and will continue to positively impact the ability of life scientists to pursue data-enabled research.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.