The 1970s saw the first sustained and systematic studies of engineering ethics in the U.S. These studies have been successful in identifying problems and raising consciousness about the need for ethical deliberation and education among technical professionals. There is at least one aspect which has been neglected, however: investigation of parallel or related work in other countries. This project will break new ground by systematically inventorying and analyzing engineering ethics in other countries. The result will be an "Introduction to Engineering Ethics in Countries Other than the United States: An Analysis with Annotated Catalog and Bibliography." This scholarly survey will include a collection of engineering ethics codes or related documents, an overview and critical assessment of related discussions, comparisons with engineering ethics in the U.S., a list of relevant professional organizations and institutions, and an annotated bibliography of publications. Unlike all previous engineering ethics studies in English, it will emphasize foreign language works (but will provide English annotations). Two issues likely to be put forth for greater consideration by the technical and scholarly communities in North America are those related to the possibilities of a socialist- communitarian and a religious engineering ethics, in contrast to the predominantly individualist and secular versions of engineering ethics which currently prevail in the U.S. This project will make a unique contribution to broadening our scholarly understanding of different cultural approaches to engineering ethics. The resulting document will be a resource for scholars and for classroom teaching. The principal investigator is exceedingly well qualified to undertake the effort; he has a proven track record and language skills and connections overseas. His institutional base is very good. The research design is appropriate and feasible; costs, including funds for necessary translation, are very reasonable. Results are likely to be widely distributed and useful. Support in the amount of $43,463 is recommended.