This award will provide funds to set up an undergraduate Developmental Biology research laboratory to be used primarily by undergraduate Honors students. The goal of the project is to promote a critical and independent scientific approach during the execution of laboratory experiments in developmental biology by a group of students who are both motivated and likely to enter some profession related to Biology or other science. The funds from this award will be used to equip a laboratory with the instrumentation to carry out several projects each lasting several weeks over the semester. The projects will involve experiments on 1.) Differentiation in cell culture; 2.) Gene expression in Drosophila, in vitro fertilization; 3.) Maternal control of development; 4.) Induction of genes during development. The instrumentation was selected on the basis of the projects proposed by the faculty as being suitable for execution by advanced undergraduate students. The major instruments include a variety of quality microscopes and video recording and imaging equipment for the detailed analysis of morphological and subcellular events. Gel electrophoresis equipment of the analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. Centrifuges, spectrophotometer, incubators, and balances for the preparation, isolation and characterization of material. The grantee institution is matching this NSF award with funds from non-Federal sources.