This award provides continuing support for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site in the Department of Psychology at Syracuse University. The program is a 10-week summer research program designed to enlarge the very small numbers of blacks entering the field of experimental psychology. Ten students between their junior and senior years will be enrolled. At least five students will be from colleges with substantial black undergraduate enrollments. Students will be assigned to laboratories in which they will help design, carry out and analyze the results of a research project, under the supervision of a regular full-time member in the Syracuse Psychology Department. Students will make both oral presentations and written reports of their projects. Advisors will evaluate reports through written comments sent to the students after the end of the program. Students will evaluate the program by completing forms distributed at the middle and end of the summer. Information about actual career choices and the impact of the summer program on those choices, will be solicited from students, home departments and advisors at the end of the academic year following the program.