This award provides funds to establish a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site in the Microbiology Department of the University of Texas at Austin. The program is designed to introduce gifted undergraduates into on-going, productive Cell and Molecular Biology research programs. Participants will be actively recruited nationwide, but emphasis will be given to undergraduates who would not otherwise have the opportunity for original research, especially women and minority students. Minority students will be encouraged to apply by visiting Texas colleges and universities with high minority enrollments, and at least 40% of the positions will be allocated to minority students. Participants will have access to well-funded and equipped labs in which the research covers both prokaryotic and eucaryotic systems and deals with DNA replication, transcripion, development processes, immunobiology, oncogenesis, protein transport, and membrane function. Participants will work individually with faculty mentors but have access to all faculty through seminars and informal discussions. The three women (one hispanic) on the Graduate faculty will serve as role models to encourage the female and minority participants. Follow-up procedures will promote interest in research careers. UT Austin has already made a strong commitment to this program, including organizing a Pilot Program in 1988 and funding recruiting trips plus room, board, and fees for minority participants.