This award provides continuing support for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site at the New York Botanical Garden. The Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES) program will immerse students in a highly interactive, research oriented environment. The major philosophical tenet is that success in science depends on understanding the context of research as well as the substance and procedures of a particular discipline. Program goals are: (1) To provide intensive training in ecological research (2) To broaden students' perspectives on the contexts of scientific research (3) To give students direct exposure to the life of a research scientist (4) To promote a greater understanding of the science of ecology. Eight students will be brought to the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, building upon the strengths of the very successful 1988 program. Under guidance of one or several scientific mentors, each student will delineate a research question and associated hypotheses, select appropriate methods, and develop a research plan. Students will then implement and complete the project on their own, finishing with analysis and report writing. Students will give a final presentation in a formal Research Symposium at the conclusion of the program. The final papers will be collated and published as an IES Occasional Publication. Special seminars at the Institute will supplement the program. The "Research in Context" seminar explores the relation between science and broader issues, while the "Research Strategies" sessions give specific training on a timely basis during the course of their research efforts.