This award provides funds to the Department of Microbiology at The University of Massachusetts, Amherst to purchase equipment which will help introduce modern analytical techniques into the teaching of microbial physiology in two undergraduate laboratory courses. Gas chromatographic techniques will be used to measure the products of microbial metabolism. The new approach provides for the development of laboratory exercises in fermentation, growth and nitrogen fixation. The products of microbial metabolism to be analyzed include short-chain fatty acids and alcohols, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. In addition, the developments will include the capacity to measure ethylene produced as a result of the activity of nitrogenase. The use of a table top fermentor also allows for investigations into the rates of metabolic processes and an examination of those variables (e.g. pH and temperature) that control metabolic processes. The improvement will overcome many of the limitations currently experienced in undergraduate microbiology courses. The grantee is matching this award with non- Federal sources.