This award provides ongoing support to The Jackson Laboratory, a private, non-profit research institution, to continue their Research Experience for Undergraduates Site. In 1990 12 undergraduates, selected from a nationwide group of applicants, will conduct independent hands-on research for 9 weeks in the summer under the direct supervision of staff scientists. Working in their sponsors' laboratories, the students conduct original basic research on problems in mammalian genetics and development that are components of their sponsors' on-going research programs. Students gain experience in all aspects of doing a research project, from project design to reporting the results. Inbred and mutant laboratory mice are utilized in many projects. All students are from outside the host institution; about half are from baccalaureate colleges. Students with a wide range of science preparation are accepted, with each participant's research project tailored to his or her individual background and interests. The students' work at the bench is supplemented by organized group educational activities, including a formal symposium. Follow-up activities are in place to help foster the students' continuing interest in science and research. Informal studies of program alumni indicate that a very high percentage receive doctoral degrees in the biological sciences or medicine.