The skills and techniques required by modern comparative physiologists are becoming heavily dependent upon the analytical tools of molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology. The Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) is requesting instrumentation funds for a Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/Biochemistry Core Facility, including an autoclave, cold cabinet, environmental chamber (Cold room), Beckman ultracentrifuge (plus rotors), bioguard hood, Cetus thermocycler, electroporation apparatus, high-voltage power supply, MP-4 camera system, liquid N2 vapor tank, transilluminators, vacuum oven and shaking water bath. The MDIBL is a consortium of 40-50 investigative teams, representing numerous academic institutions nationally, and using marine animal species as models for transport; acid-base balance, volume regulation; endocrinology and reproductive physiology; neurophysiology; cardiac electrophysiology; gametogenesis and development).