This award provides funds to continue a successful Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at The Whitney Laboratory, a research institute of the University of Florida, located on the Atlantic Coast. The program provides research training for undergraduates in cell and neurobiology using marine animals. Ten faculty members will train students throughout the year in modern, experimental techniques of anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology, toxicology and electrophysiology, for which the facility is exceptionally well equipped. Students are recruited nationwide and special efforts are made to attract women and minority students. The students live on the campus of the Laboratory, have access to all facilities, and become full partners in the ongoing research efforts of their faculty advisors. Student independence will be encouraged, and they will receive full credit for their work in publications. In addition to their practical research training, the students' intellectual growth will be stimulated through participation in the Laboratory's regular seminar series, a special student seminar series and research tutorials and discussions provided by each member of the faculty.