This proposal requests funds for the purchase of a scanning electron microscope and an x-ray microanalysis system. The Electron Microscopy Center at North Dakota State University is a common instrument facility that provides the only access to electron microscopy on campus. There are usually between 70 and 90 research scientists and students that use the facility each year. In addition to maintaining the equipment, the laboratory offers a complete line of service. In the last few years, food technologists and cereal chemists have discovered the need for ultrastructural data. Many samples such as doughs and glutens are particularly difficult to prepare for scanning electron microscopy. It is well documented that the preparation procedures employed for biological specimens result in significant artifact formation. Cryo-preparation and examination of frozen, fully hydrated doughs and glutens yield the best data. Specimen charging is a serious problem with the present scanning microscope as it is not generally possible to obtain secondary images at accelerating voltages of less than 8kV. To meet the present research requirements of these scientists and to simulate continued ultrastructural studies of foods, the acquisition of the equipment listed in this proposal is essential.