9300710 Hoch This award provides partial support for a conference "Nanofabrication and Biosystems: Frontiers and Challenges" to be held on January 16-21, 1994 in Hawaii. The conference is designed to address the current status and future possibilities of nano- and microfabrication technologies and biology. Scientists from such disparate disciplines as material science and engineering, and various subdisciplines of biological sciences will participate. The objective of the conference is to explore contemporary and emerging approaches of nano- and microfabrication as they apply to biology. The intent of the conference is to bring together engineers/physical scientists and biologists including biophysicists, cell biologists, neuroscientists, and plant biologists. The conference will address the materials science and engineering aspects of nano- and microfabrication, how biologists have implemented such fabricated devices in their research endeavors, and where the opportunities are for fruitful collaboration between biologists and engineers. An important aspect of this objective will be to inform young scientists. The proceedings of the conference will be published by the Engineering Foundation. European and Japanese scientists will participate in this conference, making it an international meeting. ***