9317873 Koch Light microscopic studies comprise the cornerstone of cell biological investigations. No cell biology research laboratory should be without access to the full complement of modern light microscopy techniques for analyzing cell structure and function. This proposal seeks matching funds to purchase one inverted microscope and one upright microscopes each having phase contrast, epifluorescence and differential interference contrast optics with still or video photomicrography capabilities all to be coupled to a state-of-the-art image acquisition and analysis system and a dedicated image processing computer. This instrumentation will form the nucleus of a new Light Microscopy Laboratory. Its acquisition continues our effort to enhance research opportunities for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students studying cell biology. Microscopes of the types requested are not readily available at present. Researchers must borrow time on a single research-grade upright microscope or compete with students in five courses for four student grade upright microscopes--no research-grade inverted microscope or image acquisition/processing instrumentation is available at all. The requested instrumentation will promote studies of cell biology of tunicate sperm and egg activation, axonal transport of mRNA in sea hare neurons, and protection to UV damage in plants as well as five other minor projects.