9322138 Stevens This program provides twelve Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) Fellowships in the Biological Sciences for each of two years beginning in the summer of 1994. The program will be managed by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). The Program will focus its attention on this country's approximately 1,000 primarily undergraduate institutions. Because of their size and/or lack of a long tradition of undergraduate research at these institutions, it has not been possible or practical to establish NSF-REU sites at many of them. Consequently, a major segment of the academic community is precluded from participation in the NSF's REU program. A special feature of these Fellowships is that the participating students (and faculty) will be linked by a specially developed electronic bulletin board which the students will use weekly to report progress on their research. The bulletin board will also enable students to share their experiences with each other and to pose questions about their research as the summer progresses. ***