9322205 Barnwell This award provides funds to the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul to establish a Research Experiences for Undergraduates SITE for three years. Each summer, 10 undergraduate students will be selected from a pool of 600-700 applicants to spend ten weeks completing an independent research project under the direction of one of the 24 faculty mentors affiliated with the program. At least half of the participants will be students of color and at least half will be from institutions other than the University of Minnesota. Mentors in this program are basic scientists who have a common interest in research related to water quality and the analyses of physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. The students' research experience will be supplemented by weekly student seminars and faculty discussions of current research topics. The faculty discussions will provide students with the most current information on specific topics as well as background terminology and concepts. All students will prepare a summary of their research project in the form of a display for a poster session at the conclusion of the program. ***