Allen-Lohr, Susan 9412945 The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) is an independent, nonprofit field station with no institutional affiliation, which provides facilities for researchers who wish to study high-altitude biology in a field setting. Researchers have come to the RMBL for more than six decades. Recent facilities grants from the NSF have assisted with construction and renovation of several buildings. This project will assist the RMBL in providing an addition to the current research library building to house the various research specimen collections (birds, insects, mammals and plants) that are currently scattered around the field station in various closets and offices. The RMBL Master Plan, completed in 1989 after five years of work and review, highlights the need for adequate research collections and space to utilize them. The remodeled space will make the collections vastly more useful to researchers at the RMBL. Matching funds will provide for a collections curator, and also the establishment of a geographic information system and the addition of research collections data to it.