Research in plant biology at the University of Vermont focuses on both fundamental aspects of plant growth, development and ecology as well as the effects of environmental factors on these processes. A consortium of scientists from the Departments of Botany and Zoology and the School of Natural Resources have formed an interdisciplinary research core which seeks to advance opportunities for research in plant biology at the University of Vermont. The expertise of these researchers extends from the gene to the ecosystem level, presenting a well-balanced foundation from which to foster research in plant biology. Ongoing collaborative ventures among scientists within this core and active student and post-doctoral participation in their laboratories attest to their commitment to interdisciplinary research and education in the plant sciences. While each of the core faculty within this proposal has established a productive research program at the University of Vermont, individual and collaborative research is limited by the availability of growth chambers that allow precisely controlled environmental conditions. This restriction is not limited to any branch of plant biology but impacts productivity and competitiveness in plant molecular biology, plant physiology and metabolism, plant environmental biology and plant evolution. A Controlled Environmental Facility for Plant Biology at UVM brings together a cadre of scientists across units who are actively collaborating or envision potential interdisciplinary interactions stemming from a facility designed to provide controlled environments for research in plant biology. Externally-funded research programs in Botany, Zoology, and the School of Natural Resources highlight the vitality of the research core. The goal of this proposal is to establish a facility comprised of eight growth chambers that allows maximum flexibility and breadth in research opportunities in plant biology. Acquisition of this facility will greatly en hance the research and educational opportunities that currently exist at the University of Vermont This facility will provide environmental conditions needed for the generation of transgenic plants, for analyzing a plant's response to contrasting environmental conditions, and for studying principles of group selection in large plant populations under controlled conditions. The proposed facility will also foster new avenues of experimentation, especially collaborations that are currently impossible due to the lack of adequate controlled growth facilities. Lastly, the facility will enhance the quality of undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Vermont by providing students studying plant molecular biology, physiology and genetics with a state-of-the-art growth facility necessary for their research.