9503675 Allen-Lohr, S. E. The Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) and the National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML) will conduct an appraisal of field station and marine laboratory needs for the next decade. Field stations and marine laboratories are important sites for environmental research and training. These facilities represent a large and continuing investment by both public and private institutions, but are generally under equipped to respond rapidly to new research needs. Ongoing projects are field stations and marine laboratories often suffer from inadequate facilities and equipment. Field Stations and marine laboratories would benefit greatly by an objective assessment and analysis of current facilities and future needs, to better facilitate emerging national research agendas. This project will underwrite that assessment by conducting an analysis of the needs of all field stations and marine laboratories and will provide recommendations in a published report. The resulting document should serve to guide potential funding sources, administrators, and others who have oversight of field station and marine laboratory facilities as they make decisions.