The functional and structural mapping of brain between different modalities, subjects and developmental stages will be made possible by the research described in this proposal. We will develop algorithms to spatially deform data from varied sources so that they become comparable. In addition to permitting the direct comparison of these data, the resulting transformations and statistics of variation will allow us to model the differences between and within subjects and modalities. Accurate modelling is essential to the elucidation of the relationship between anatomy and physiology as recorded in multiple modalities and subjects, and across time. The parameterization, warping and morphing / blending of 3D brain data will be accomplished using our Adaptive algorithms. Adaptive algorithms will be influenced by contextual cues from anatomic region or imaging modality. There are 5 categories of adaptive characteristics (Anatomic, Tissue, Densitometric, Geometric, and Other) that will be tested with each type of transformation (adaptive parameterization, warping transformation and morphing / blending.