Eight investigators from five departments of Duke University will purchase an isothermal titration calorimeter. This instrument will provide the investigators with access to a state-of-the-art isothermal calorimetry instrument which will allow elucidation of the fundamental thermodynamics of molecular recognition processes in research currently underway in the laboratories of the investigators. Among the systems to be studied are: (1) protein - ligands and their interactions; (2) signal peptides in lipid bilayers; (3) carbonic anhydrase and metal affinity; (4) extracellular matrix proteins and cell receptors; (5) membranes and macromolecular binding; (6) interactions of ATP and other agents with DNA topoisomerase; and (7) neurotrophins in cortical neurons. The new instrument, in conjunction with ongoing structural and biochemical studies will permit a molecular level dissection of structure-function relationships in these important systems.