Project involves development and implementation phases of a biological database for Peromyscus (deer mice and allied species). Mice of the genus Peromyscus are extremely abundant throughout North America and are widely used in pure and applied research. Research areas in which Peromyscus is commonly used includes ecology, genetics, systematics, evolution, behavior, physiology, metabolism, parasitology, epidemiology, and toxicology. Currently, there is no comprehensive database for this significant group of organisms, although more than 3500 journal articles have been published and several hundred investigators currently use Peromyscus in their research. The database envisioned, although including genetics, is expected to contain a broad range of information concerning many aspects of the biology of these rodents. This database, therefore, will differ substantially from the several mammalian genomic databases currently available. During the period 1998-2001 we intend to fully develop and have on-line three components: Systematics and Evolution, Genetics, and Neurobiology and Behavior. Additionally, a comprehensive bibliography for the genus will be accessible. The long-range objective is to have about eight or nine topical components of the database up to date and readily accessible on the internet within five years. After five years the database will be maintained independently of NSF database program support.