ABSTRACT Miami University and the Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium will purchase new herbarium cases and 2) employ graduate teaching fellow equivalents to process and curate (including barcoding) approximately 105,000 specimens acquired as gifts, bequests, orphan collections and backlog during 1994. The project will upgrade the herbmum faclity by the acquisition of seventy herbmum cases, forty five of which represent replacements for cases that have exceeded their useful life and are in such poor condition as to jeopardize the collections housed in those cases. Twenty-five new cases will complete the current herbarium facility and to allow for the processing and intercalation of approximately 105,000 specimens. Acquiring new herbarium cases will also allow for the total reorganization of the Herbarium so that it is a more user friendly facility for both teaching and research by faculty and students at Miami University as well as a significant visitor and borrower population. It is anticipated that the completion of intercalation and reorganization of the collection will better serve the environmental and conservation community that depends of the collection and associated data in the development of various management strategies both within and outside the state of Ohio. Once the specimens have been processed and intercalmed into the Herbarium it will be ranked as the largest herbarium facility in the state of Ohio. The collection will be especially valuable because it will represent one of the major non-vascular plant holdings in any university in the mid-western United States with approximately 180,000 algal, bryological and mycological specimens and approximately another 260,000 vascular plant specimens. The herbarium's mycological collection will be among the ten largest in a university setting in the United States. This project is a necessary prelude to computerization of the collection in the near future.