This award will support the purchase of a 750 MHz multi- nuclear high-resolution NMR system primarily for the use of the University of Michigan Chemistry/Biological Chemistry NMR community. This instrument is jointly funded by NSF and NIH through the NSF/NIH Shared Instrumentation Program. The instrument will be used for experiments leading to the determination of high-resolution three-dimensional structures and dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids, and protein-nucleic acid complexes in solution. The major virtue of the new instrument is an improvement of at least a factor of two in sensitivity as compared to currently accessible instruments, bringing the structural studies of these more difficult systems within reach. Projects benefiting from this acquisition are: structural studies of the molecular chaperone proteins Hsc-70 and DnaK, structural studies of Stromelysin and its complexes with inhibitors and substrate, structural studies of proteins expressed by the E. coli Ars-Operon, structural elucidation of Cytidylyltransferase, design of Cysteine Protease inhibitors, synthesis of improved DNA binding carbohydrates, dynamics of DNA triple helices, elucidation of anti-DNA autoantibody antigen interactions, and the structure of soluble and membrane-spanning domains of the GABA receptor.