Ecological knowledge is critical to identifying solutions for the enormous environmental and health challenges that are facing our globe. The Ecological Society of America proposes a two-year activity in which key ecological research needs and opportunities will be identified, a plan of action for meeting these challenges will be developed, and specific mechanisms for implementing this plan of action will be defined. These activities will be carried out by a committee comprised of ecologists from all academic ranks, from conservation organizations, and from government and private agencies. At least two reports will be written to articulate important needs and actions. One of these documents will be used by the ecological community external to the ESA, while the second document will help the Society determine if it is best organized to implement the action plans it recommends. By assessing current scientific priorities, identifying needs for ecological research and training, and developing an action plan for the ecological community, the proposed activities will ensure that ecologists contribute to interdisciplinary and integrated solutions to environmental problems.