The conversion of large areas of Amazon forest vegetation for intensive crop production is one of the major forces shaping the Earth. Riparian forest buffers along streams can reduce the potential negative effects of forest clearing on stream water quality and stream habitat by intercepting nutrients, providing shade to reduce temperature and protecting stream channels. This project investigates how deforestation, cropland expansion and intensification, and increased fertilizer use influence the structure and sustainability of riparian forests, and ultimately affect their capacity to keep nutrient runoff from reaching streams. Research will take place in the Amazon state of Mato Grosso, Brazil?a global hotspot of deforestation where soybean cultivation has expanded rapidly in the last two decades. Producers in the region are now shifting from single-cropped soybeans to double-cropped soybeans and corn, which greatly increases fertilizer inputs. This project addresses the globally important issue of how to protect and sustain water quality and aquatic resources in tropical regions, where high deforestation and rapid cropland expansion are increasingly common. By improving understanding of the trajectories and causes of riparian forest change and predicting the movement of nitrogen through riparian zones, these results will provide a basis for managing the negative impacts of tropical agricultural intensification. The project team will convey findings to policymakers and farmers in Brazil and the US by conducting two workshops on the scientific basis for riparian forest management and conservation.
This project will investigate whether riparian forest fragments in cropland maintain their vegetation structure over time and how that structure is influenced by alterations to watershed hydrology and microclimate that are typical of cropland areas. Investigators will determine whether riparian forests bordering streams in croplands intercept and remove nitrogen from watersheds and whether this nitrogen removal function is sufficient to prevent excess nitrogen from reaching streams in cropland watersheds with high fertilizer inputs. The project will quantify how changes to riparian forest structure in croplands alter stream temperature, metabolism, nutrient uptake and downstream nutrient export. This will be accomplished by comparing riparian forests in replicated watersheds within intact tropical forest, soybean-only cropland and soybean-corn cropland. The project focuses on the following three hypotheses: (1) Riparian forests in cropland watersheds have higher tree mortality, lower tree growth and a more open canopy than either upland forests or riparian forests in forested watersheds. (2) Cropland watersheds have lower evapotranspiration, greater runoff and nutrient export, higher water tables, and wetter streamside hillslopes than forest watersheds but denitrification in riparian zones is insufficient to prevent excess nitrogen from reaching streams in double-cropped watersheds. (3) More open canopies in cropland riparian forest will increase stream temperature and metabolism. This project will create a new conceptual framework for understanding how deforestation, cropland expansion, and agricultural intensification influence tropical riparian forests and streams.