The largest terrestrial reservoir of carbon is in the soil, and most of this carbon comes from plants. Yet, despite its importance, the factors that regulate the movement of carbon from plants to soils remain poorly understood, particularly the relative contribution of leaves and stems versus roots. Assessing the vulnerability of soil carbon to disruption by environmental changes depends on understanding the factors that control aboveground versus belowground carbon from plants. This Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant research will provide funds to conduct laboratory experiments to simulate the movement of plant carbon to the soil, and to quantify how the source of plant carbon dictates its fate in the soil. For example, the researchers will evaluate whether carbon entering the soil from the shoots of the plant is stored more or less effectively than carbon being supplied via roots. The objectives of this work are: 1) to improve global carbon models to better describe the terrestrial carbon cycle, and 2) inform practices in forestry, agriculture, and other types of land management that are looking to maximize the amount of plant carbon stored in soils. The investigators will also train students and develop multimedia outreach activities with a natural history museum to inform the broader public on the relevance of this work.
Considerable scientific debate exists around the relative roles of aboveground versus belowground plant inputs as sources of soil organic carbon. This debate must be resolved if the terrestrial carbon cycle is to be accurately modeled because preliminary evidence suggests substantial differences in the fate of above- vs. belowground inputs that may strongly influence rates of accumulation of soil organic carbon pools and their dynamics. This research will conduct empirical studies that test mechanistic differences that underpin aboveground versus belowground plant carbon pathways, independent of the quantity and quality of carbon flowing through them. This project uses a series of microcosm experiments to test hypotheses about the mechanistic differences in how carbon flows through aboveground and belowground plant pathways to the soil. The common plant carbon compound glucose (isotopically labeled with the heavy stable isotope of carbon) will be added to soil microcosms to assess key differences underlying belowground versus aboveground pathways to the soil carbon pool. This research will deepen knowledge of how soil carbon is formed from plant carbon and improve the ability of models to predict carbon dynamics under future environmental conditions.