Unusual adaptations to the environment have long fascinated scientists and the public. There has been much research to understand the evolution of morphological structures (e.g., shape, color, size). However, far less is known about the evolution of novel biochemical adaptations and the impact of these adaptations on the biodiversity of the organisms in which they appear. Of particular interest is how these traits arise if they are costly to the individuals who harbor them. This research investigates the evolution of biochemical adaptations and the genetic and ecological mechanisms that shape them. The research explores the tolerance of insects (fruit flies) to potent toxins in mushrooms that they consume. By investigating the mechanism of toxin tolerance and how this unique adaptation is maintained in this model system, the research will enhance the general understanding of how novel traits emerge and shape biodiversity. This project also includes activities designed to increase public scientific literacy and familiarity with biodiversity by training teachers and students, from middle school to the undergraduate level (particularly from underrepresented minorities), and generating photographic identification guides for insect species associated with mushrooms.
Flies from some groups of Drosophila feed on both toxic and non-toxic mushrooms, and can tolerate high doses of potent cyclopeptide mushroom toxins that are deadly to most other multi-cellular organisms. This research tests hypotheses that predict that: 1) tolerance to these toxic cyclopeptides evolved multiple times; 2) the genetic mechanism of tolerance is not the same in all species; and 3) trade-offs between the physiological costs of tolerance and the benefits of access to a low-competition resource maintain tolerance. The mechanisms of tolerance and their evolution within different fly species are being characterized using metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses that are analyzed in a phylogenetic framework. To assess the genetic basis of variation in toxin tolerance, the researchers are performing artificial selection experiments and genome sequencing. Finally, observational and competition experiments are being used to identify how selective pressures maintain toxin tolerance in natural populations. In sum, this research will provide an in-depth evolutionary, ecological, and physiological assessment of a costly and novel biochemical adaptation, and its impact on biodiversity.