A workshop will be convened to discuss theoretical developments and methods of testing predictions between different spatial and temporal scales. The objectives of the workshop are to (1) foster increased interaction among scientist of different ecological disciplines who are actively working on extrapolating information between spatial and temporal scales; (2) analyze recent theoretical developments; (3) present case studies demonstrating ecological processes for which the scale of measurement influences the interpretation; (4) discuss relevant mathematical, statistical, and geographical methods for extrapolating information across scales; and (5) identify critical needs for future research. The results of the workshop will be conveyed to the general scientific community through a summary report in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America and a special issue of Landscape Ecology that will contain papers discussing theoretical issues and case studies. It is critical that a concerted effort be made to develop new syntheses and define important research objectives needed to interface predictions, results, and data from different spatial or temporal scales.