The island of Borneo, and especially Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), is a major phytogeographical region of great ecological and biodiversity importance; however, its flora and fauna are poorly known. Unfortunately, the region is undergoing rapid deforestation through commercial logging and swidden agriculture. Thus, unknown species are potentially being lost to science and others are undoubtedly being forced into extinction. Therefore, there is some considerable urgency to collect the biota of Kalimantan. In this study, collection and inventorying of the plant resources of Kalimantan will commence through six plant- collecting expeditions especially to Bukit Baka/Bukit Raya Reserve. A specimen database will be developed, and a field guide with keys will be produced. The project involves extensive interaction with Indonesian institutions including Herbarium Bogoriense. This project will form the basis for extended floristic work throughout Kalimantan.