9220342 Platnick To increase the availability to systematic biologists of one of the world's greatest entomological and arachnlogical collections in the world, funds will be used (1) to hire two assistants to help curate the Hymenoptera and Isoptera collections and complete a computerized database of primary type holdings; (2) to hire two preparators to process specimens newly acquired through an NSF-supported survey of insect and arachnid Biodiversity in southern South America, along with relevant backlog material; (3) to support half the costs of two-year curatorial/research appointments of specialists on the large beetle families Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae; (4) to purchase standard-sized insect storage cases, along with drawers and unit trays, to be installed on two levels of a newly renovated, climate-controlled, compactor-equipped collection facility; and (5) to purchase insect storage cases to accommodate large drawers currently housing Lepidoptera under less than desirable conditions. ***