9321517 Smith Boltonia decurrens, a perennial member of the Asteraceae endemic to the Illinois River floodplain, appears to be disappearing from its native habitat. The number of naturally occurring populations, which fluctuates annually, continues to show a net decline. In 1988 USF&WS declared B. decurrens to be nationally threatened species. It is currently listed as endangered in Missouri and threatened in Illinois. The proposed study will enable Dr. Smith to use the extensive data base developed to study a threatened and endangered floodplain species, Boltonia decurrens. Emergency funds are needed to conduct immediate post flood surveys of population sites where plants were known to exist from 1990 1992. This will enable assessment of the impact of wide spread, prolonged flooding on natural and restored populations, and recommendations concerning construction of new levees where populations have survived. The information can be used in the formulation of an amended recovery plan to enable government agencies to make scientifically valid recommendations and optimize site management.