9520824 PIERCE This Dissertation Improvement Award will provide materials and supplies for a student's doctoral dissertation research. The student's project involves systematics of the metalmark butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) whose larvae have fascinating developmental biologies in association with ants that tend them. A phylogenetic analysis will attempt to establish higher level relationships for this family. That analysis will be based on molecular sequence data and contrasted with results of a recent (Harvey, 1987) PhD thesis phylogenetic investigation that utilized morphological character systems. A robust phylogeny presenting relationships among major lineages of Riodinidae will allow testing of hypotheses relating to the biology of this group such as origins of mimicry and number of times that association with ants has developed in the Riodinidae. %%% This award will enhance the training of a graduate student in modern molecular systematic methods. The project will contribute to knowledge of the biodiversity of a group of insects that exhibit very interesting biologies and behaviors in mutualistic associations with ants. ***