This proposal extends the catalyzing impact of EdGrid (www.eot.orgledgrid), a consortiumconunitted to developing, testing, and disseminating systemic approaches to integrate the use ofcomputer-based modeling and scientific visualization in science and mathematics education. Therole of the GK- 12 fellows is to bring to each team content expertise and experience withapplications of computational science, modeling and visualization. Fellows will benefit byimproving their own computational suls, learning to relate complex science and mathematicsconcepts to others, by becoming comfortable with teaching, and by understanding how they canparticipate in the improvement of science and mathematics education. Teachers and educationfaculty benefit from access to content expertise, assistance with the use of computationalmodeling and visualization tools, and by learning current scientific methods.
The main objectives include:
o Training on issues of K-12 science and mathematics education and computer-based modelingand visualization.
o Enhanced conununication among the content and education faculty within the university, andbetween the university and K- 1 2 communities.
o Science and mtheniaties curriculum utilizing computational science, modeling andvisualization tools, technologies, and methodologies.
o Classroom experiences for K- 12 students using computational science, modeling andvisualization to do science and mathematics.
o Dissemination of experiences and materials.
o Inculcating a comrffitment to broad outreach of leading-edge scientific ideas on the part offuture scientists who will be the graduate student trainees in the project.
o Applying to the GK-12 enterprise abilities that NCSA/EOT-PACI have developed for long-distance collaboration communication, and conununity-building.
Noteworthy features of the project include the collaboration of very different and geographicallyseparated university communities as well as the integration of research universityscienceleducation enterprises. This will be facilitated by NCSA/EOT-PACI experience inorganizing and computing across geographically distributed human and material resources.