9354995 Fichman Carnegie Mellon University if proposing an innovative GRT program that focuses on the joint impact of groups and technology on organizational effectiveness. As the primary work unit in organizations continues to move from individuals to groups, organizational effectiveness increasingly depends on the effective use of group-oriented organizational designs. At the same time, the expansion of new technologies in organizations both enhances opportunities for the formation and maintenance of work groups and poses new challenges for effective work group functioning. The ability of organizational scientists to contribute the organizational effectiveness in the future will depend on an understanding of groups, technology, and their interaction. We propose a GRT program that is innovative in form. It is a university wide program, operated by faculty in the schools of business, social sciences, and public management. This structure will expose students to a range of theoretical and methological approaches to studying groups and technology in both basic and applied settings. Training will be interdisciplinary in nature. Students will have opportunities to bridge theory and application in newly designed internships and project courses. ***