A conference on solid films and surfaces will be held at Princeton University on July 9-13, 2000. Solid films and surfaces, and interfaces are a common feature of technologically important materials and activities, including the fabrication of electronic and optoelectronic devices, and sensors. This conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest experimental and theoretical advances in the field. It is organized as a multiple session conference lasting four days, with plenary talks summarizing recent work in various sub-fields. In addition, invited talks, contributed talks and poster sessions are organized. The program emphasizes the topics: Structural, electronic and optical properties of thin films and surfaces; Thin film growth and related topics, such as epitaxy and roughening; Organic monolayers and films; Wide band gap semiconductor surfaces and interfaces; Nanostructured thin films; Oxidation, oxide films and surfaces; New characterization techniques; Thin films for solar cells; Theory of films and surfaces. %%% An evaluation of the progress and status of solid films and surfaces, and interfaces along with current assessments of the most important developments in this field will be of great value to the understanding of surface chemistry and enhanced utilization of electronic/photonic materials in computing, data processing, and communications. The conference is co-supported by the CHE/ASC propram. ***