An award is made to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) to purchase a ALV/DLS/SLS-5022F goniometer system. This is a research grade instrument capable of performing simultaneous static and dynamic light scattering measurement and features an avalanche photodiode detector that allows high counting intensity while employing an inexpensive, low power (22mW) Helium-Neon laser. It also features a very large useable angular range (12 degrees to 155 degrees), temperature control from sub-ambient to 90 degrees C, and offers ease of alignment and superior software features. This instrument will provide new infrastructure at UAB for research and education in the area of polymeric materials. From a research perspective, this instrument will be extremely valuable in characterizing molecular weights, radii of gyration, virial coefficients, and hydrodynamic radii of various linear and branched polymers and copolymers and dendrimers being synthesized at UAB. It also will provide a powerful means for characterizing polymer micelles, a research area of intense current interest in the Department of Chemistry. In addition, this instrument will allow UAB to develop new teaching laboratories for both Biochemistry and Polymer Chemistry classes, thus exposing approximately forty students annually to the use of light scattering for characterizing natural and synthetic macromolecules. *** This instrumentation award to the University of Alabama Birmingham is for the purchase of a state-of-the-art light scattering instrument for use in characterizing polymers, polymeric micelles, and dendrimers. This instrument will provide new infrastructure at UAB for research and education in the area of polymeric materials. From a research perspective, this instrument will be extremely valuable in characterizing masses and sizes of various linear and branched polymers and copolymers and dendrimers being synthesized at UAB. It also will provide a powerful means for characterizing polymer micelles, a research area of intense current interest in the Department of Chemistry. Overall, new and existing research programs of about thirty research scientists in the UAB Chemistry Department will be favorably impacted. In addition, this instrument will allow new teaching laboratories for both Biochemistry and Polymer Chemistry classes, thus exposing approximately forty students annually to the use of light scattering for characterizing natural and synthetic macromolecules. %%%