The 6th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors, and Ferromagnets (ISCOM) will be held in Key West, Florida, from September 11 -16, 2005. This symposium is a preeminent forum for interdisciplinary discussions of the Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Technology of crystalline molecular solids. ISCOM-2005 is designed to allow student participation through presentation of poster papers and special tutorials on important and emerging areas in materials science. To this end, tutorials as well as invited and oral papers presentations will be directed towards promising young researchers in these fields. Specific areas will include both theoretical and experimental aspects of: chemical synthesis, magnetism and high magnetic fields, quantum and nano-magnetic systems, and molecular thin films and devices. Students will meet the experts and leaders in these fields through planned formal and informal meetings. The NSF support will allow US students from underrepresented groups to participate in this international symposium.