The CAREER award goes to a young physics faculty member at the University of Colorado. In his career plans to integrate research and education, the PI plans to study properties of disorder and interaction in quantum dots, quantum wells and quantum wires with a special emphasis on the thermoelectric properties of open quantum dots. At its core the research plan calls for further development of a non-linear s-model for disordered interacting systems in the time loop formulation. The model will be used to study (a) non-perturbative effects of disorder and electron-electron interaction in metals. Such effects correspond to topologically non-trivial field configurations and become important close to a metal-insulator transition. (b) It will be extended to include spin effects, in particular, to calculate the spin susceptibility which gets very large near a metal-insulator transition. Finally, (c) it will be used to calculate the photoemission spectra of colossal magnetoresistance materials and non-linear magneto-optic effects in disordered metals. In education, the plans are to organize a special seminar series involving the University, NIST and JILA and an advanced graduate course sequence based on the physical ideas in disordered systems. %%% This CAREER award goes to a young member of the University of Colorado physics department. The award recognizes his career plans for the integration of research and education. In research, he plans to further pursue certain mathematical formalism, which he has developed. The formalism will be applied to a number of outstanding problems in the study of disorder and interactions in metals and in particular to a transition between the two. He also plans to study physical phenomena in quantum dots, quantum wells and quantum wires. The effects of disorder and interaction, in these small size systems are occasionally profound. There are plans to study the thermoelectric properties of open quantum dots. In education, there are plans to organize a seminar with participants from neighboring institutions, NIST and JILA. There are also plans to develop an advanced graduate course based on the physics of disordered systems. ***