TECHNICAL: This grant will partially support the 2006 Gordon Research Conference on Aqueous Corrosion. The conference will be held on July 16-21, 2006 at the Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire. The conference covers a broad range of corrosion related topics centered on the theme of "Multiscale approach, in time and space, of aqueous corrosion mechanism and application to key issues in enabling technologies". It will include seven interrelated corrosion-related topics of fundamental importance, and their links to practical applications. A preliminary list of corrosion topics include [1] Passivity, passivity breakdown and localized corrosion; [2] Nano-corrosion; [3] Metal-oxide-polymer interfaces, coatings and corrosion Inhibition; [4] Biomolecules and biofilms on surfaces: Impact on the corrosion resistance, [5] simulation, modeling and life prediction; [6] Advances in analytical and electrochemical methods for corrosion research; and [7] Corrosion issues in enabling technologies. The interface between corrosion research and surface science, nanoscience, theoretical chemistry, & microbiology will be new frontiers of exploration at the conference. NON-TECHNICAL: The conference will promote education and the scholarly pursuit of research in this technologically significant field. It will also foster cooperation and goodwill amongst various nations in this truly international conference. All attendees, and students in particular, will be encouraged to present posters. The broader impacts, therefore, include student development and fostering of international exchange and good will amongst scientist worldwide. Every attempt will be made to engage women and minorities in this process. A concerted effort is to achieve an appropriate representation of women, racial/ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and other individuals who have been traditionally under-represented in science. For example, the Vice Chair of the conference is a women. When evaluating applicants of equal merit, applicants from under-represented groups will be given preference. A web site has been set up at to advertise the conference and to communicate with the corrosion community.